Welcome To The Blog

Hello everyone thank you so much for stopping by and lending your support to what I know is a worth while effort. I've started girlfriends losing weight to encourage all of you to not only focus on weight loss and overall great health, but to reach out and get other girlfriends to do the same thing.I have discovered over the years, that when you find a good accountability partner. You increase your chances of accomplishing your goals 100%. So girlfriends lets draw the line in the sand, let the buck stop here, and let's "make things happen" for all of us.I would hope that each of you will take time to share positive comments of encouragement,on the pictures and post that will be shared here.Remember we are all girlfriends whether we personally know each other or not. Together we stand, divided we all fall.I look forward to the pictures and stories of success that will be shared here, and I promise my success coaching that will be shared here will be in the spirit of excellence.

I wish everyone success

Toni K. Morgan

Life/Weight loss/Success Coach

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tips For Not Over Eating At Holiday Dinner

The holidays are just around the corner, and this probably means some traveling, family time, and stuffing yourself more than you could stuff a turkey. If you’re the type of person who loves to indulge in your favorite things once in a while you can ignore this post. These tips are for girls who would prefer not to have that stomach-aching-full feeling after the meal.

Use a Smaller Plate 

I know that seems simple, but seriously, if you have a smaller plate then you’re not going to eat as much, or at least you’re going to have to make more trips to the buffet counter, which can get tiresome after awhile.

Wear Fitted Clothes

Wearing loose clothing to hide bloating is setting yourself up to stuff. If you’re going planning on stuffing yourself you probably will. I wouldn’t wear your tightest dress either, just in case, but wearing clothing that is slightly body-conscience could help keep you in check.

Pace Yourself 

We all enjoy the rich food of the holidays, but if you’re going to more than one big meal, it can be a good idea to pick and choose which foods to indulge in at each. Maybe skip the snack food and eat only the main dishes like mashed potatoes and stuffing. Then at the next party you can do more munching, and eat dessert.

Don’t Force Yourself

It’s easy to get caught up in the celebrations and force down a piece of your Grandmother’s apple pie, even though you’re already beyond full, just because it’s tradition. Try not to let your emotional connection with the holiday be mistaken for a connection with the food itself. Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean you have to go nuts, especially if you’re not feeling it. If you hate cranberries you probably aren’t going to eat the sauce, but even if it’s something you just don’t care for, don’t feel obligated to eat it. For me, it’s turkey. It took me a while to realize I don’t have to eat it. In fact this year I didn’t even buy one. I know, how un-festive.

Change Your Perception

The holidays should be more than just a time to cook and eat. View it as a time to socialize with your loved ones, as well as share and create memories. The important thing isn’t how high of a mashed potato mountain you can pack away, but sharing time and stories with friends and family, and getting a chance to take a break from the busy hustle of school and work.

Indulge in Your Favorites

I love pie and, like almost all the food my family cooks, there are leftovers. So, for the following week, you can savor that food all week long. (I actually hate leftovers, but not after Thanksgiving.) Rather than stuffing yourself full of food you only kind of like, save room for your favourites and indulge a little at a time.

Drink Up

Have a drink in your hand, even if it is just ice-cold water. Having a beverage will help you feel fuller more quickly, so you don’t over-eat, and water also helps you digest so you can avoid feeling bloated and tired after you eat.

In the End, It’s Up to You

The holidays are a good excuse to over-indulge if you so desire, so don’t feel pressured to restrict yourself, either. If you do want to stuff yourself, go for it. I most certainly am not going to stop you.

Written by Annie

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