Welcome To The Blog
Hello everyone thank you so much for stopping by and lending your support to what I know is a worth while effort. I've started girlfriends losing weight to encourage all of you to not only focus on weight loss and overall great health, but to reach out and get other girlfriends to do the same thing.I have discovered over the years, that when you find a good accountability partner. You increase your chances of accomplishing your goals 100%. So girlfriends lets draw the line in the sand, let the buck stop here, and let's "make things happen" for all of us.I would hope that each of you will take time to share positive comments of encouragement,on the pictures and post that will be shared here.Remember we are all girlfriends whether we personally know each other or not. Together we stand, divided we all fall.I look forward to the pictures and stories of success that will be shared here, and I promise my success coaching that will be shared here will be in the spirit of excellence.
I wish everyone success
Toni K. Morgan
Life/Weight loss/Success Coach
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Struggling To Meet Your Weight Loss Goals? These Simple Tips Can Help!
Weigh yourself often to remind yourself of the goals you have for your body. The right frequency for checking weight is a matter of personal taste. You should get up on that scale about once per week. If you can do it daily, then that would be better.
Eating foods high in protein for breakfast will reduce the hunger pains that typically occur mid-morning. Protein keeps you feeling full longer, and gives you lasting energy.
Not all low-calorie or reduced fat processed items are good for your diet. Low calories or fat in a product may mean less nutrients and more chemical replacements.
If you want to lose mostly fat, focus on cardiovascular exercises. Cardio exercises raise a persons heart rate which in turn causes the body to burn fat. The main requirement for a cardiovascular exercise is that it keeps your heart rate steadily high, so find something enjoyable that qualifies and enjoy your workout!
Stick with low-calorie food items that are similar to what you like to help you shed unwanted pounds. There's nothing like runaway cravings to cause a dieter to fall off the wagon. Rather than staying away from everything, choose low calorie alternatives to your food favorites. These can satisfy those food urges while still keeping your diet in place.
Losing weight plays with your mind, and when you're able to control it then you will be able to successfully lose that weight. You must believe that you can and will successfully lose weight. Know that you have the power to succeed. Once you feel like you are able to do something, it becomes much easier to actually get up and do it.
When you're attempting to lose weight, getting started is the hardest part. Use the things you learned from this article to work toward the body you want.
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