Welcome To The Blog
Hello everyone thank you so much for stopping by and lending your support to what I know is a worth while effort. I've started girlfriends losing weight to encourage all of you to not only focus on weight loss and overall great health, but to reach out and get other girlfriends to do the same thing.I have discovered over the years, that when you find a good accountability partner. You increase your chances of accomplishing your goals 100%. So girlfriends lets draw the line in the sand, let the buck stop here, and let's "make things happen" for all of us.I would hope that each of you will take time to share positive comments of encouragement,on the pictures and post that will be shared here.Remember we are all girlfriends whether we personally know each other or not. Together we stand, divided we all fall.I look forward to the pictures and stories of success that will be shared here, and I promise my success coaching that will be shared here will be in the spirit of excellence.
I wish everyone success
Toni K. Morgan
Life/Weight loss/Success Coach
Monday, December 17, 2012
Make Getting Fit Easily
Try yoga on the day that you are resting after a long workout. This will help you to relax all of the muscles in your body, so that you are prepared for the next time you go to the gym. Yoga and meditation are great things to do on your off day.
Get fit by jumping! If you jump 30 times a day, it will strengthen your bones and improve both health and fitness. Don't try jumping prior to warming up. Warm up until you break a little sweat, and then jump up and down 30 times. You don't need to jump on and off anything as it's the impact that strengthens your bones. Just make sure you are doing it on a soft surface such as a padded exercise mat.
If you are sick, take the time to heal instead of exercising. This is especially true if you are experiencing symptoms below the head. Your body will mostly be putting its resources towards healing itself rather than trying to build the muscle you are training for, so any work you do will more than likely be of little benefit. It's better to rest up.
A really good way to help you get fit is to make a small protein shake whenever you feel the urge to eat junk food. By adding just a scoop of protein powder, some ice, and a little bit of splenda, you'll have a much healthier snack that won't wreck your fitness goals.
Your fitness program should include regular workouts with quality exercises. The length of the workout is not so important as what you do while you are working out. You should start at twenty minutes and gradually work your way up to an hour. You don't want to be exhausted when you work out or you will not get as much benefit from the exercises.
Find a way to sneak in exercise. It's not important where or when you exercise, just that you do exercise. It is easy to sneak in a thirty minute workout in your day. If you take a bus, get off a stop or two before your stop and walk the rest of the way or go for a walk after lunch. Finding small pockets of time to exercise can be beneficial to your health.
Therefore, getting and staying fit does not have to be the unreachable pinnacle in your life. It's just a matter of building up stamina by doing something you enjoy, an activity that will get your heart rate up and that you can do at least a few times a week. A routine like that may not make you into an Olympic star, but it can give you a healthy body, keep your weight down, and make you feel good about yourself.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Get Started Eating Healthier
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Do not try to make all of these changes at once. Incorporate one or two over the course of a few months and ease into your new eating routine. Too many changes at once may overwhelm or frustrate you and cause you to give up on your commitment to healthy eating.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Some Reasons We Over Eat
2. We harbor the false idea that we will not obtain enough nutrients by having small meals of raw fruits and/or vegetables. *Understand that raw food nutrition is infinitely superior to your old diet of cooked foods--there is far more nutritional, health-promoting value in one apple than in a seven course meal of cooked food.*
3. We are tired and are trying to stimulate our energy. * Understand that when we are tired, our primary need is for rest, not food, and food cannot digest well when we are tired. Eating when we are tired will only lead to enervation, toxemia and a worsening of fatigue.*
4. We are not mindful or present while we eat. *Eat slowly and practice being aware/mindful/conscious and present in your body while you eat.*
5. We do not want to feel a particular emotion. *Choose to accept, feel and be with the emotion. Allow it to dissipate, or expand, to flow through your body and beyond. Explore the “somatic (or emotional) inquiry.”*
6. We want to feel the nurturing “mother love” that is lacking in our lives. * Choose to cease covering up your emotions and to release emotional contractions and you will begin to feel nurtured by the love that is always present within yourself.*
7. We feel and believe we are hungry when we are not--we are actually eating to fill up an emptiness. *Choose to explore, accept and be with the emptiness. Meditation and the “somatic inquiry” can help.*
8. We feel bored and we eat recreationally. * Develop enjoyable, purposeful and healthful activities away from the food or kitchen.
9. We feel socially obligated. *Choose to act healthfully and be in your power--choose to take the best possible care of your self at all times.*
10. We feel too thin when we are in the detoxification stage. *Accept and love yourself as you are, and understand that by living and eating correctly your detoxification and weightloss period will eventually shift into a rebuilding phase, in which you will add healthy weight with larger muscles and enjoy higher vitality.*
11. We are not physically fit and are at the mercy of our sympathetic emotions. * Keep physically fit--a strong spine and fit body translates into a strong nervous system, self-esteem, will-power, and keener physical awareness so that you can discern your true needs for nourishment.
12. We believe we can “get away with it” one more time. *Ask yourself: “How is this food going to make me feel in a few minutes, and in a few hours, and tomorrow?” Think about how you want to feel and make the healthful choice, knowing that as you do, you are raising your level of well-being.*
Written by David Klein
Friday, December 7, 2012
Depression Can Be A Cause of Over Eating
If you are depressed, you should try to work on something productive for at least 30-60 minutes per day. Doing absolutely nothing all day can cause a vicious cycle where you not only have your "base" depression symptoms, but also depression because you are unable to get anything done.
A good way to eliminate some depression is to listen to motivational speakers. Don't try to do it all yourself, listen to others who can help inspire you and show you different ways to think positively. If you can immerse yourself in uplifting thoughts of others or read about their uplifting stories and inspirational activities, this can only help make you feel less depressed.
Get your personal life in order. When you suffer from depression, even ordinary tasks can get overwhelming. Get organized using small, easy to complete goals and you can keep from getting bogged down in the everyday duties that can keep you from working on your depression and can even make your symptoms worse.
Your diet can have a huge affect on how you feel and act. If you are even mildly depressed, you can be tempted to eat so called "comfort foods" that are basically empty carbs and calories. These foods will do nothing to boost your mood or make you feel better about yourself. Eat a proper diet, filled with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to optimize the benefits that diet can offer to your mood.
Develop a method of reducing and preventing stress. Stress is a huge influence in your mood, causing depression when it gets too thick. If you are able to find a mental health center that can help alleviate your stress, you can find the right methods of alleviating depression as well as discover life to be a more positive experience when you aren't stressed out.
When it comes to depression, it is important to list out all of the things that might be causing your depression. This is important because it will help you to identify the causes and then you will be in great shape to work on fixes to eliminate all that is causing you to feel this way.
Keep a positive attitude. Negative thinking is always present in a person that has depression. Depressed people tend to minimize all of the good in their lives, while happy people keep a positive attitude by accepting sadness as a normal part of life, and fixing what they can. Being positive will also make you more pleasant to be around, and there is a lesser chance you will be lonely.
No matter what you have been diagnosed with, remember that depression can make it seem worse. Use the above advise to help you deal with your depression. How you live your life can affect those who love you and keeping your depression in check may not reverse your condition yet you can live the rest of your days with quality rather than under a cloud of unhappiness.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Keep It Simple When Losing Weight
Start by creating a detailed weight loss plan you know you can follow. Decide if you are trying to build muscle or just lose weight. What is your target weight? Or are trying to increase your energy and endurance?
Write everything down to keep track of how you are doing. Don't weigh yourself too often, though. Weighing yourself more often than that can cause stress. Use a food journal to track all of your meals, snacks, beverages and the calories they contain. Make sure you write in all your beverages and snacks as well. Many times, the very act of putting it down on paper can keep you from making poor dietary choices.
If you become too hungry, your ability to make rational food choices will diminish and you may end up on an eating binge that you will later regret. Plan your meals in advance and take them with you if you are busy. Pack your lunch based off of your plan, instead of dining out. When you make your own lunch, you can control fat and calorie content, which is often high in restaurant meals. In addition, you can also save money!
The best way to lose weight is by incorporating a healthy diet along with regular exercise. Exercising at least 3 times a week is great, while exercising every day is not essential. Make sure to avoid letting your workout routine get stale by constantly mixing things up and adding new exercises. For instance, if dancing is your thing, it might be fun to enroll in a dance class.
Throw away any unhealthy food that is found in your cupboards. Remove all unhealthy choices and you will not give into temptation. If you make it difficult to get your hands on the high calorie junk food, it will be far less appealing and you will not eat as much of it.
It is important to have support when you are losing weight. If you have people around to support you, you will stay motivated; even though, no one can lose the weight for you. Don't get so discouraged that you give up in frustration! Instead, call someone that will give you the support you need to keep going.
Friday, November 30, 2012
You Know You Need To Shape Up!!
If you have not tried working out with the music on, you need to try it. Music will help you pick up the pace. It will boost your energy, lift your spirits, and get those toes tapping to the rhythmic beat. It also helps put you in the right frame of mind and keeps you from thinking about how fatigued you are.
Round up a group of friends and start exercising! This is a time you can use to be social and discuss things you missed out on. Getting into a good long conversation with your friend allows you to forget you are exercising. Engaging with someone else while you exercise can make you forget that you are actually exercising. Involving your friends can make your exercise legitimately fun!
Workout-centered video games can be extremely helpful in getting you to concentrate on enjoying yourself, rather than fixating on the difficulty of the actual exercises you are performing. There are a lot of video games that can be used as fitness tools in a weight loss program. The obvious advantage of enjoying your workouts so much is that you will want to go longer and harder.
Wearing flattering exercise clothes is a great motivation tool. They come in many colors and can be fun to wear! Choose an outfit that will get you motivated to get out there and hit the gym.
Doing the same exercises everyday is a surefire way to quickly become bored and frustrated with your workout routine. If you view your exercise routine as drudgery, you are unlikely to remain committed to it. In order to keep yourself motivated, you may want to think about switching your exercise routine from time to time. You need to keep yourself interested or you will find less and less motivation to exercise. Even the smallest hiatus will make it tough to get motivated again.
It's a good idea to reward yourself whenever you accomplish one of your fitness goals. This is the perfect motivation to stick with things. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate. Maybe you'd like to reward yourself with a little bit of chocolate, or maybe buying a DVD you've been dying to see. The actual reward doesn't matter so much as its availability and the fact that it keeps your eyes on the prize. It is most important to keep going when you do not feel like doing anything.
An exercise routine does not need to be something you dread. There are so many different things you can do to have exercise be fun and not work. The tips in this article will make your workouts more entertaining.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tips For Making Juicing Easier For You
The healthiest vegetables for juicing are greens such as: chard, spinach, kale, collard greens and broccoli, amongst others. The goal is to have your juices consist of roughly 50-70% green produce, with other elements added for flavor. Juices made entirely of fruits would tend to be too sugary and might cause a blood sugar spike.
You should drink the juice immediately after you make it. You should be aware that some of the nutritional value is lost once you make the juice. The longer amount of time that you wait to consume the juice, the less nutrients you'll receive. So, make sure you try your best to drink your juice as soon as you make it.
If you are going to make your own apple juice, be sure to pick out the ripest and sweetest apples possible. Bruised apples are okay, but only if you cut out the bruises. Especially good apples for making juice include the Rome, Fuji, Gala, and Red Delicious varieties. These all give a sweet and tasty flavor.
Fresh pineapple juice, prepared in the juicer, is a fine weight loss aid. For an extra kick, add apples or various berries to the mix. If you want to make it go farther, add water. Pineapple juice is best when you drink it over ice.
Juicing and keeping it inside the fridge is the best idea; however, you want to watch for color change of the juice. Juice that loses its fresh, bright hue and turns to a dull gray or brown isn't very appetizing to anyone. Lemon juice acts as a natural preservative, keeping your juice a bright and inviting color. The flavor will not be negatively affected by so small an amount of citrus, but the color will greatly benefit.
Don't drink juice in the place of a regular meal. Although a good quality juice is an excellent way to replace a snack, it does not have protein or fat in it, so consuming regular meals is still important. If you want to make sure that you don't overeat at a main meal, have a juice to drink beforehand.
For that little extra flavor kick, add a little bit of ginger in your vegetable juice blend. Ginger can help subdue the sometimes harsh tastes of some types of vegetables, while imparting its own flavorful blend. You will also benefit from the healthy properties of ginger, which have been shown improve cardiovascular health.
When shopping for a juicer, look for one that is easy to clean, simple to assemble and convenient to store. If dismantling, cleaning and reassembling your juicer consumes the better part of an hour, you will be far less likely to use it. Make sure to clean your juicer soon after you've finished with it, as pulp can stick to your juicer and harden, making cleaning more difficult.
Do some research about juicing before you get started. Research available equipment and ascertain which ones meets your needs. Take advantage of written reviews from others who have already tried various mixers or blenders. Choose a quality device that will fit into your budget. Also, make sure it is one that you know you will definitely use when blending juices.
You can, as is seen from the the article above, be a master of the art of juicing. The techniques you have read here can help you create tasty and nutritious beverages that will help you have a healthier diet. You will get amazing benefits from adding fresh fruit and vegetable juice to your life.
Monday, November 26, 2012
So You Blew Your Diet During Thanksgiving
Well don't feel alone, you have a lot of company on this guilt train. Let's push it aside and get back on track here's a few tips.
1) Ditch the guilt. So, despite your best intentions, you didn’t stick to your diet plan. You need to ditch any guilt you feel and stop beating yourself up about it. Feeling guilty about overindulging is wasted energy — spend that energy doing something productive instead.
2) Dump the extra food. If you’ve got extra food around the house from the holiday week-end, dump it. Why keep unhealthy, calorie-laden food around to tempt you? Better that the food goes in the garbage than on your hips or belly, right?
Weight loss depends on your fitness. Make sure you are getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. One way to go about doing this is to become involved with a group that likes the same activities as you. This can also serve the purpose of helping you make new friends. The support of others in the group will help motivate you to keep exercising.
3) Review or reset your goals. Sometimes overindulging comes about because you either lost sight of your goals or have set your goals too high. A goal of “I’m never going to eat cookies again” may be too strict for you and cause you to overindulge, using a holiday week-end as an excuse to ditch your diet plan.
Omelets are good to eat in breakfast. Include fresh vegetables and lean cuts of meat into your omelet in order to add protein and nutrients. Because an omelet like this will be rich in fiber, it'll leave you feeling full. It'll help you to eat a smaller portion, and will mean you don't need a pre-afternoon snack.
4) Eat your favorite healthy meal and do your favorite workout. You’re only one healthy meal and one workout away from getting back on track. If you need the extra incentive, why not cook your favorite healthy meal and do your favorite workout — and blast your favorite music while doing it.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tips For Not Over Eating At Holiday Dinner
Use a Smaller Plate
I know that seems simple, but seriously, if you have a smaller plate then you’re not going to eat as much, or at least you’re going to have to make more trips to the buffet counter, which can get tiresome after awhile.Wear Fitted Clothes
Wearing loose clothing to hide bloating is setting yourself up to stuff. If you’re going planning on stuffing yourself you probably will. I wouldn’t wear your tightest dress either, just in case, but wearing clothing that is slightly body-conscience could help keep you in check.Pace Yourself
We all enjoy the rich food of the holidays, but if you’re going to more than one big meal, it can be a good idea to pick and choose which foods to indulge in at each. Maybe skip the snack food and eat only the main dishes like mashed potatoes and stuffing. Then at the next party you can do more munching, and eat dessert.Don’t Force Yourself
It’s easy to get caught up in the celebrations and force down a piece of your Grandmother’s apple pie, even though you’re already beyond full, just because it’s tradition. Try not to let your emotional connection with the holiday be mistaken for a connection with the food itself. Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean you have to go nuts, especially if you’re not feeling it. If you hate cranberries you probably aren’t going to eat the sauce, but even if it’s something you just don’t care for, don’t feel obligated to eat it. For me, it’s turkey. It took me a while to realize I don’t have to eat it. In fact this year I didn’t even buy one. I know, how un-festive.Change Your Perception
The holidays should be more than just a time to cook and eat. View it as a time to socialize with your loved ones, as well as share and create memories. The important thing isn’t how high of a mashed potato mountain you can pack away, but sharing time and stories with friends and family, and getting a chance to take a break from the busy hustle of school and work.Indulge in Your Favorites
I love pie and, like almost all the food my family cooks, there are leftovers. So, for the following week, you can savor that food all week long. (I actually hate leftovers, but not after Thanksgiving.) Rather than stuffing yourself full of food you only kind of like, save room for your favourites and indulge a little at a time.Drink Up
Have a drink in your hand, even if it is just ice-cold water. Having a beverage will help you feel fuller more quickly, so you don’t over-eat, and water also helps you digest so you can avoid feeling bloated and tired after you eat.In the End, It’s Up to You
The holidays are a good excuse to over-indulge if you so desire, so don’t feel pressured to restrict yourself, either. If you do want to stuff yourself, go for it. I most certainly am not going to stop you.Written by Annie
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Be An Inspiration! Follow This Weight Loss Advice.
Find out what works for your friends and family in terms of their diet plans. Look for people with a body or fitness level you wish to emulate. See if they won't let you in on their secrets to slimness and a toned body. You might glean valuable information to help you with your weight loss.
If your main purpose in exercising is to lose weight, you should focus more on cardiovascular exercise than on weight training. Weight training can be useful for building muscle, but the real weight loss comes from cardio exercise. Losing weight comes mainly from raising your heart rate through cardio workouts.
A fitness buddy is a great way to stay committed to an exercise and diet regimen. Someone with parallel ambitions and preference for similar workouts and diet is a good friend to have. Whenever one of you lose motivation, you can support one another, which helps you both get through the tough times.
Allow yourself one treat per day. "One" small treat per day can help you stay on track. Choose something like one cookie or one piece of candy so you can satisfy cravings for something sweet.
You can try tightening your stomach muscles throughout the day to lose calories. Try to do it as long as possible and resume if you stop. This increases your posture, strengthening key muscle groups.
A simple thing you can do to aid in weight loss is to drink water before you eat a meal. It becomes easy to overindulge when you are hungry because your brain doesn't realize your belly is full until after you've already eaten.
Make sure you are never depriving yourself of any food. If you stop eating your favorite foods completely, you will find that you crave those foods even more. That will add much more calories than simply moderately eating it.
Be sure to drink plenty of water as part of a healthy diet. Try to consume between 60 and 80 ounces of water daily. Of course, you will want to consume more water when in an hot environment. The more water you consume, the better your digestive system will work; you will also feel full, so you will not eat as much.
Don't skip meals if you want to lose weight. Many are disillusioned with the thought of skipping meals making them thinner; however, it is going to cause your body to store fat instead of burning it. Even when you are not especially hungry, you should partake of several small meals every day.
As you can see, there are various tricks to help you lose weight. Hopefully, you should now see that this is something you can accomplish. If you stay with your plan, you will be successful. Implement the tips you've read here and always keep on the look out for new ones that can help get you to your goals.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Breaking through a plateau in weight loss
Adjust your carb intake
Your body has a huge capacity to store carbohydrates. You can sock away at least 500 grams. To put that in perspective one slice of bread packs 15 grams. When you eat more carbohydrate than your body immediately needs, you store the leftovers in your carb piggy bank, known as glycogen. And, for every gram of glycogen you stockpile, you also put away about 3 to 4 grams of water. While this weight isn’t body fat it does show up on the scale, and it can make you feel a little puffy. The best way to shed the excess is to cut out refined, dense carbs like white breads, pasta, and baked goods, and include more water rich and airy unprocessed “good” carbs like fresh fruits and vegetables, popcorn, and fluffy whole grains like quinoa and whole wheat couscous. More fluid or air per bite means fewer carbs, but you’ll feel just as full.
Up your fiber intake
Research has shown that for every gram of fiber we eat, we eliminate about seven calories. That means if you eat 30 grams a day you’ll essentially cancel out 210 calories, a savings that could result in a 20 pound weight loss in one year’s time. Another study in Brazilian dieters found that over a six-month period, each addition gram of fiber resulted in an extra quarter pound of weight loss. Look for higher fiber foods within the same food groups. For example, cup for cup black beans pack 2.5 grams of fiber more than chickpeas, and barley provides 6 grams per cup compared to just 3.5 in brown rice.
Cut back on salt and sodium
Water is attracted to sodium like a magnet, so when you down a little more salt or sodium than usual, you may hang on to extra fluid. Two cups of water (16 ounces) weighs one pound, so a shift in fluid will have an immediate impact on the scale. The best way to slash sodium is to skip the saltshaker or sodium-laden seasonings and eat more fresh, unprocessed foods.
Drink more H2O
Water is an essential component of calorie burning and it helps flush out any excess sodium and fluid you may be hanging on to. Plus a recent study found that adults who simply gulped two cups of water before meals enjoyed a major weight loss benefit; they shed 40 percent more weight over a 12-week period while following a reduced calorie plan. The same group of scientists previously found that subjects who drank two cups before meals naturally consumed 75 to 90 fewer calories, an amount that could really snowball day after day.
Build more movement into your day
If you already work out, build a little extra activity into your day. Stand up and fold laundry, or iron as you watch TV , or do the dishes by hand. Just getting on your feet burns an extra 30to 40 calories per hour. At one extra hour a day that means you’ll burn almost 15,000 additional calories over a year’s time.
Written by Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD
Friday, November 16, 2012
Fast Fitness Tips To Help Get You Going
If you watch a lot of TV and it keeps you from exercising, here's a good way to do both. Exercise during commercial breaks or invest in an exercise ball to workout while watching television. Yoga can be done while watching television when you have a routine down. So can simple stretches. In fact, you can set up any exercise equipment in front of the television if you have the room to do so.
Don't have a large chunk of time to devote to exercising? Break your workout into two sessions. Simply split your normal workout time into two parts. Rather than spending 60 minutes jogging, run for half an hour near the beginning of your day and then again nearer the end. Try doing one workout in the gym and one outside to mix it up.
Stretching is just as important to a complete fitness program as cardio and strength training. Stretching prior to working out helps the muscles get loose and warmed up before hard exercise. This helps to reduce strains and potential muscle tears.
If you really want to follow through with specific fitness objectives, a good idea to is to prepay a personal trainer in advance prior to starting work with them. This way you are more motivated than ever to attend all workout sessions that you plan on gong to. After all, you won't want to see your good money go to waste. You are going to want to make the most of your investment so you will follow through.
When you are doing repetitious exercises that require you to count how many you're doing, start at the number you want to achieve and count backwards. This method is a better motivator than the traditional counting up method.
When you do begin to lift weights you are going to want to do a lot of reps of lighter weights, this will help your muscle mass increase. Gaining muscle is not about lifting the most amount of weight, but how much can you lift for the longest amount of time. Many big lifters follow this strategy, and it works for them.
When choosing exercise footwear, be sure to pick properly fitted shoes. Try to purchase shoes later in the day after your feet have had a chance to spread. Make sure that you can feel at least half an inch between your big toe and the shoe. You should be able to wiggle your toes.
In conclusion, although fitness is important to many people, there are many things that people do not know about it, partially because they do not have the available resources. This article should only be the starting point of your fitness journey.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Does The Green Coffee Bean Extract Work For Weight Loss
Here's what you have to know about the green coffee bean extract for weight loss:
#1: People who tried it lost on average 17 pounds over a 12 week period.
The largest community of scientists has done a study on the benefits of using green coffee extract for weight loss. They gave an extract of green coffee to a sizable group of people. They told to the group to not change anything about their lifestyle. This is how they were able to isolate the benefits of the green coffee extract.
The results of the study was astonishing. The people who took part in the study lost on average 10% of their body weight and 16% of their fat. This is quite a performance for a 12 week period.
#2: The purest form of green coffee works for weight loss.
The green coffee that you use to prepare coffee is not good for weight loss. That's because it is processed and roasted. It was roasted in an oven at a temperature of 480 degrees Fahrenheit.
#3: The green coffee that people use for coffee doesn't contain the chlorogenic acid.
The chlorogenic acid is the real chemical compound that helps you lose weight. This chemical is lost when the coffee beans are roasted inside the oven.
#4: It's an alternative for taking on a long term diet.
When you try a diet for a long period of time, you have to use a lot of willpower, time and energy to lose weight. It's a pretty hard thing to do and most people aren't successful at it.
#5: This weight loss solution appeared on Dr. Oz.
Dr. Oz is a fun television presenter that presents to his audience the latest medical breakthroughs that have practical applications. He was quite amazed by the results of the medical study but he was also skeptical.
This is why he gave to two members of his audience this green coffee extract to check out the results for himself and for the audience. The two women took the extract each day for 5 days and at the end of this period one lost two pounds and the other six pounds. This can be much better than taking a diet.
#6: It helps the body destroy glucose and burn fat in the liver.
The green coffee bean extract for weight loss slows the release of sugar into the bloodstream. You can't really add fat to your body unless you combine it with sugar. Sugar is an essential ingredient when it comes to the increase of your fat levels.
#8: It's one of the best natural fat burners and it's safe.
There are no known side effects. Scientists have tried hard to find any side-effects but so far they haven't found any.
#9: People from the medical and weight loss communities are quite excited about the new green coffee extract weight loss.
This might be one of the biggest discoveries in the past 10 years when it comes to weight loss. People have searched in vain for decades for a magic pill. Now it's here for all to enjoy.
#10: You will feel fuller and have a lower need to eat.
Most people who took the supplement felt fuller after they ate. They didn't feel hungry all the time and they had more energy.
Article Written by Paul P Miller
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Ladies Do You Know Why You Gain Weight?
Medical Concerns
Monday, November 12, 2012
You must Cleanse if you're serious about weight loss
You could also choose some of the Tea based cleanse products. I would recommend going to the health section at Whole Foods or other popular Natural product stores and looking at the options for Cleansing.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Stress causes weight gain..Avoid it
You should focus on your breathing. It may be hard to believe but simply breathing deeply can increase the oxygen in your bloodstream and relax your body rapidly. When under duress, most people only use their upper chest to breathe. This type of breathing is more shallow than normal, which makes your heart beat faster and causes your chest to tighten, which in turn increases stress levels.
Make time for stress. Rather than allowing stress to consume and control you throughout the day, keep putting it off until your appointed time.
Let the people you are in frequent contact with know that you are stressed, and reiterate that if you seem irritable, it is not their fault. Your family members may feel like they have caused you to be stressed and upset. Children are especially likely to feel this way. Since your stress is under your control, you shouldn't blame it on the people that surround you.
Take yourself out of the situation you're in. Think calming thoughts and continue to tell yourself that you are able to handle whatever situation you are going through; this will actually help you do just that.
Have a cup of tea, preferably chamomile tea to calm down. Not only can chamomile assist with sleep, but it also can get rid of headaches and help you relax. The warmth of the chamomile tea, plus its therapeutic properties, will help your body to relax.
If you have stress issues, take note of any body parts that you clench regularly. In particular you may notice it in your hands, jaw and shoulders. When you figure out where your tense muscles begin to show, work to relax those muscles whenever you feel stress coming on. This will help you lower your tension and relax.
Write down the things that cause you stress, and number them from one to ten. One being a minute problem and ten being something devastating. By monitoring your stress on a scale, you will be better equipped to handle issues appropriately.
Most importantly try not to let the problems of your past creep into your mind, otherwise stress will defeat you. Take charge over your thoughts and tell stress to take a hike.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Get in the Best Shape of Your Life By Following These Tips
Try playing music to motivate you during your exercise routine. Music can make your body naturally move to the rhythm and beat. When you exercise to music, try to think of it like dancing. Moving around in a fun way keeps your mind off the exercise you are doing and allows you to work out a little longer.
Meet up with your friends to exercise. Working out is a great time to catch up on the latest news. Getting into a good long conversation with your friend allows you to forget you are exercising. It's easy to be distracted from tedious exercise when you are engaged in a good chat. Working out with friends is much more fun than working out alone.
Go shopping for a video workout game. This is a wonderful way to make your workout more exciting. Playing a fun game will keep your mind off the workout that your body is getting. That way, your workouts can be longer in duration as well as more intense, since you feel less fatigued.
Go shopping for exercise clothes. Search for the clothes that complement you and give you a good feeling when wearing them. When selecting exercise outfits, use your imagination and resourcefulness to guide you in your purchases. Exercise gear comes in a wide array of colors and styles. The more confident you feel about your workout wear, the more confident you feel during your workouts.
Doing the same exercise routine over and over again is dull and will make you want to quit. Any time your exercise routine becomes boring, it will feel less important to you. That means a million other things will seem to get in the way of getting it done. Add excitement to your exercise routine by changing it up frequently. Following this advice will help you appreciate the benefits of exercise and help you maintain a healthy fitness routine and lifestyle.
Whenever you achieve a fitness milestone, make sure you give yourself a reward. That way, you will remain enthusiastic about continuing your program. You do not have to reward yourself with something big. A simple reward such as a bit of dessert or a new outfit is a great reward for reaching a goal. The actual reward doesn't matter so much as its availability and the fact that it keeps your eyes on the prize. You have to keep yourself focused and motivated if you want to reach your goals.
Exercising doesn't have to be boring. Having a good attitude and approaching your workouts the right way will increase your enjoyment of your exercise routine. Mix up your fitness routine by trying out these new suggestions.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Struggling To Meet Your Weight Loss Goals? These Simple Tips Can Help!
Weigh yourself often to remind yourself of the goals you have for your body. The right frequency for checking weight is a matter of personal taste. You should get up on that scale about once per week. If you can do it daily, then that would be better.
Eating foods high in protein for breakfast will reduce the hunger pains that typically occur mid-morning. Protein keeps you feeling full longer, and gives you lasting energy.
Not all low-calorie or reduced fat processed items are good for your diet. Low calories or fat in a product may mean less nutrients and more chemical replacements.
If you want to lose mostly fat, focus on cardiovascular exercises. Cardio exercises raise a persons heart rate which in turn causes the body to burn fat. The main requirement for a cardiovascular exercise is that it keeps your heart rate steadily high, so find something enjoyable that qualifies and enjoy your workout!
Stick with low-calorie food items that are similar to what you like to help you shed unwanted pounds. There's nothing like runaway cravings to cause a dieter to fall off the wagon. Rather than staying away from everything, choose low calorie alternatives to your food favorites. These can satisfy those food urges while still keeping your diet in place.
Losing weight plays with your mind, and when you're able to control it then you will be able to successfully lose that weight. You must believe that you can and will successfully lose weight. Know that you have the power to succeed. Once you feel like you are able to do something, it becomes much easier to actually get up and do it.
When you're attempting to lose weight, getting started is the hardest part. Use the things you learned from this article to work toward the body you want.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
What approach will you take to weight loss
Jessica's Small Meals Approach
Jessica Biel simply has made healthy eating a way of life, not something she does to temporarily lose weight. Maintaining her weight without yo-yoing, Jessica avoids foods that contain sugar, salt and processed flour, as well as dairy. What is more important is that she eats small meals every 3 to 4 hours in order to keep her blood sugar levels steady. Additionally, Jessica exercises intensely almost every day of the week. While your diet and exercise program doesn't have to be so rigid, take cues from her small meals of healthy foods and exercise daily.
Jennifer's Everything in Moderation
Unlike Jessica Biel, Jennifer Lopez does not cut out certain foods--she just has less of them during her meals, and tries to avoid eating too many simple carbohydrates like white bread and pasta. However, she does not ban them from her diet. For exercise, Jennifer does circuit training, which center around 2 to 3 minutes of strength training then followed by 3 to 5 minutes of aerobic exercise, and then moves to another form of strength training. For instance, you could engage in squats, then jog in place, and then move on to crunches, then jumping jacks, and so forth. This keeps you muscles challenged and burns more calories than either form of exercise alone. -
Conquer Emotional Eating like Valerie Bertinelli
Weight loss is not all diet and exercise; you also have to mentally prepare. Recognizing the source of stress in your life, past troubles and feelings of guilt are all part of the process. You also need to ask yourself if you turn to food for comfort or to avoid dealing with problems. If so, then you might be an emotional eater like Valerie Bertinelli. This actress admits that she first had to deal with her divorce and raising a son on her own. Once she did that, she asked what she wanted for herself. Hence, you should lose weight for yourself and your good health, not for anyone else.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Improve Your Health And Your Diet With Juicing
Juicers that feature a masticating option are your best bet. These types of juices work by using a single auger to break down the walls of various plant cells in fruits and vegetables, allowing for extra pureeing. Having these functions can make your juices more varied and interesting.
When you are making juice, only use the freshest vegetables and fruit. Avoid using produce that is past its prime, because it will not produce as much good juice. In addition, make certain to remove any bad spots on the produce before you begin to juice. This will ensure that the juice you make is high in quality and tastes great.
A tired, aching body can get an instant pick-me-up by drinking homemade juice! There are many nutrients in juice that can keep the body in top shape by repairing any damage and giving you energy.
Your hair and skin can benefit from the nutrients found in cucumber juice. Cucumber juice has a lot of silica in it. Silica also make connective tissue much stronger, as well as being good for bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles.
The best time to drink your homemade juice is before you eat. To ensure that you get the most benefits from juicing, it's best to drink fresh juice while the stomach is empty. When you go to have either lunch or some dinner, you won't feel as hungry and you will be not as likely to overeat.
As was mentioned earlier, juicing is a great way to improve your health and well-being by increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in your daily dietary plan. Make drinks yourself by throwing together delicious varieties of fruits. Hopefully, you now have some new ideas for juicing projects that will satisfy both your nutritional needs and your taste buds!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
GFLW tip of the day
When shopping, try a few items that you might like to wear, even if you do not have the cash for them immediately. If you try on just ten outfits, you can easily burn 60 calories or so.
Talk with your partner when you are having meals together. You will be able to better digest your food this way and control how much you eat. Find interesting topics of conversation so that you can keep your mind off your food, especially if you are eating a healthy dish you do not really enjoy.
If you engage in daily house chores, you will burn a few calories everyday doing something that you normally do. Housekeeping activities, such as vacuuming and dusting, can burn a respectable amount of calories which, of course, can result in weight loss. Rocking out to your favorite fast-paced music while cleaning house can get you dancing and really burning through some serious calories.
Just because you are vacationing, doesn't mean you need to give your diet a vacation too. Avoid expensive convenience foods by preparing and bringing along your own healthy meals and snacks. Also, opt to walk instead of taking the tram or taxi to and from sightseeing destinations. It's probably easier to say "It doesn't matter. For example, you may say, "I am on vacation!" ", however, you will feel less guilt and suffer fewer setbacks if you continue with your weight loss even when you don't "have" to.
For a healthy twist on spaghetti, substitute whole wheat pasta for regular pasta. This recipe is a great: try mixing together some zucchini, tomato sauce, and veggie meatballs. This will satisfy your Italian cravings, but keep you on your healthy diet. There are a lot of dishes that you can make this way.
Losing weight should be considered as an important life-changing event and not something trivial just to look good in a bathing suit. Changing your lifestyle and eating habits will enhance your probability of succeeding tremendously.
Armed with this weight loss information, you can meet your goals! Today is the first day of the rest of your life, so make it count by getting yourself in better health with these weight loss tips.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
The Secrets To Good Nutrition: What You Need To Know
Eat broccoli. This food gives you a full dose of vitamin K and vitamin C. Plus it contains enough vitamin C to last you for two days. This can help ensure strong and healthy bones, and even lower your risk for certain cancers. To maximize the nutritional value, prepare broccoli in the steamer rather than boiling or microwaving.

Reduce ground meat in recipes and eat lots of mushrooms. Studies show that mushrooms satisfy the appetite nearly as much as meat, probably because of the texture. Not only is it better and healthier for you due to it's high content of fiber, it has also shown it may possibly good in preventing cancer.
If you want a healthier diet, eat more raw foods instead of processed foods or fried foods. Why? When you cook food, it loses a lot of its original natural nutrients. Fruits and veggies especially, should be eaten in their raw form whenever possible.
Do your best to eliminate the whites out of your diet, with the exception of cauliflower. This will go far in your quest to get healthy. This helps get rid of excess sugar and starch in your diet. You'll feel better by eliminating those useless calories.
If you want to be healthy in mind and body, you need to know about nutrition. By keeping yourself informed of the foods with the best nutrition for your needs, you can provide your body with the most possible fuel. Heed the tips and advice in this piece, and you will be able to improve your health beyond your wildest dreams.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Simple Ways To Lose Weight Successfully
Deciding your goals before signing up or taking the first steps in a weight loss program will help your success. It is important to determine exactly how much weight you want to lose so that you can stay motivated and on track with your weight loss journey.
List your weight loss progress on a weekly basis. Keep a log that charts your weekly weight loss progress. In the same book, create a food diary. A great way to see how well your diet is going is to make a food journal of everything you eat throughout the day. By forcing yourself to write out your food, you will become less apt to eat junk.
When you are very hungry, you tend to make unhealthy food decisions. Avoid making poor food choices by always have a collection of healthful snacks packed and ready whenever you are out. When you take your lunch you can make much healthier choices than eating out at a restaurant or diner. When you prepare your own lunch, you can regulate your calorie intake and save yourself from ordering high-calorie restaurant meals. Because it normally costs less to bring your lunch than to dine out, you will most likely find that you are saving money while whittling your waistline.
Getting to your weight loss goal is not done solely with a good diet. One of the best ways to improve your progress is to add an exercise plan to your healthy diet. Seek out exercise activities that interest you because this will make it easier to stay motivated. Find vigorous activities that are both healthy and entertaining. You could try taking exercise classes that especially interest you. Interacting with like-minded souls offers great opportunities to keep your workouts fun and sociable.
You should keep junk food out of the house so you're not tempted to eat it. You can't eat what you don't have, so keep your kitchen stocked with healthy foods. Eating healthy snacks such as granola bars or fruits and vegetables will help you avoid unhealthy junk food. If you have certain foods that you always seem to overindulge in then you need to avoid buying those. If it's inconvenient to get your hands on a certain kind of food, then you are more likely to eat something else that is healthier for you.
When you are losing weight, having people on your side is so important! It is easy to keep motivated when you have others to inspire you and help you stay focused. They cannot do the work for you, but they can help. If you feel ready to give up, then you need to get some extra help. Call someone supportive of your weight loss efforts.