Welcome To The Blog

Hello everyone thank you so much for stopping by and lending your support to what I know is a worth while effort. I've started girlfriends losing weight to encourage all of you to not only focus on weight loss and overall great health, but to reach out and get other girlfriends to do the same thing.I have discovered over the years, that when you find a good accountability partner. You increase your chances of accomplishing your goals 100%. So girlfriends lets draw the line in the sand, let the buck stop here, and let's "make things happen" for all of us.I would hope that each of you will take time to share positive comments of encouragement,on the pictures and post that will be shared here.Remember we are all girlfriends whether we personally know each other or not. Together we stand, divided we all fall.I look forward to the pictures and stories of success that will be shared here, and I promise my success coaching that will be shared here will be in the spirit of excellence.

I wish everyone success

Toni K. Morgan

Life/Weight loss/Success Coach

Friday, March 1, 2013

90 Day Lifestyle Challenge

Good morning everyone. Today is March 1st and the 1st day of our 90 Day Lifestyle Challenge. I am so excited for all of us and for what the future holds for those of us who play full out and commit to this challenge and stay committed for the entire 90 Days. It is my philosophy that we can do anything for just 90 Days.
I realize that today is Friday and Friday is not the normal day to start a 90 Day Challenge, but I say let’s do some things a little different this time. As a matter of fact I think that our chances of succeeding will be greater because we are starting off differently than all of the other challenges we have begun. We usually start a challenge or a diet on a Monday, right? Oh yeah, by the way, we will not be using the “D” word at all throughout this challenge. We are finally making some permanent necessary lifestyle changes. Wouldn’t you agree?
So because we are starting on a Friday, I say let’s use the first three days to get clear on our objectives for the next 90 days. Give some serious thought to what it is you would like to accomplish in the next 90 days. Since this is “Girlfriends Losing Weight” Facebook page. I think it’s safe to say that most of us would like to see a smaller number on the scale than the one we are seeing now.  So what is your number? Go easy on yourself. Remember, baby steps. Make it a goal that you can reach, but also one that stretches you a little beyond your comfort zone. For me that number is 15. It may be a little higher for some and a little lower for others. Remember to keep it real….lol….I mean realistic! I don’t want to lose any of you along the way because you set your goal too high and if you don’t see a lot of progress in a little time you may begin to feel like a failure and disappear. We have all done it. NOT THIS TIME. You have to promise me and yourself that if you fall off your horse one day, that you will jump right back on the next day. That is a major key to you success. You can’t fall off today and stay off you MUST get right back into the game. Come on say “I promise”!
Next in our list of objectives, think about your overall wellness. Some of us have issues with cholesterol, high blood pressure, sugar levels and heart disease. Getting these factors under control could also be a very important objective for you over the next 90 Days and very doable.
Understanding “WHY” you are here, what exactly is your motivation for participating is critical to your success, probably more than any other motivating factor. Dig deep on this one, don’t stay shallow and on the surface. Write down your answer and then as yourself “What else?” and then ask yourself “How would my life be different?” and then again “What else?”.
This is a good start on what to ponder for a few days. But in the meantime, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, start each day with:
1. An affirmation and/or a prayer. Ask for courage, wisdom and discipline.
2. Be grateful. Make a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life and wake up every morning grateful.
3. Drink a tall glass of room temperature water with fresh squeezed lemon juice. And throughout the day drink half your body weight in water.
4. Decide to keep yourself at a specific amount of calorie intake per day. 1200, 1500, 1,800 ect.
5.      Limit carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, flour etc.), sugar, soda (especially Diet) and fried foods. Think sensible meals.

6. Eat lots of  lien protein (Chicken, beef, sea food)
7. Exercise! At a minimum do more than you’ve been doing. Take the stairs, go for a walk, ride your bike, go hiking, hula hoop, jump rope, do exercise video at home etc.)
8. Weigh yourself in the morning when you first get up, after you’ve gone to the restroom and but naked.
9. Measure your upper chest (under your arms at the top of your cleavage), bust (directly across your nipple), waist (at the bend), hips (largest part), each thigh and each arm.
10. Take a photo! Just for yourself….you don’t have to share if you don’t want to. But make it cute anyway. You don’t want to be like me….wanted to share before and after photo but the before picture was just not a good look overall.
Remember Girlfriends you are doing this for YOU, because you love yourself that much. I’m not going to say it will be easy, but I will say “IT WILL BE WORTH IT”! YOU”RE WORTH IT! 
Please share with us your primary objective/s for participating in the 90 Day Lifestyle Challengem. My objectives are overall wellbeing, weight loss, discipline and spiritual connection.

Good Luck, I’m cheering for you.
Your Girlfriend in the Journey

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lose Weight Doing The Activities You Enjoy

The idea of losing weight does not need to be intimidating at all. Incorporating a short brisk walk into your daily routine, or skipping the elevator and taking the stairs can really help you achieve your weight loss goals. This article will give you some ideas of ways you can incorporate a little more exercise to your daily routine.

Taking a walk with your family after dinner is a good habit to get into that can help you lose weight. Not only does it burn some calories, but it lets you spend more time with your loved ones. Strengthening your relationships is important when you are trying to lose weight.

Learn portion control for successful weight loss! Don't overeat! A 3-ounce piece of meat or fish should be the size of a deck of cards or roughly the size of the palm of your hand. A cup of cold cereal, fruit chunks or berries, and popcorn is about the size of a baseball.

One important tip for weight loss is this mantra: "plan, prepare, perform, and practice!" Weight loss doesn't happen by accident, it takes mental effort and deliberate steps in order to achieve the results that you want. Overcoming inertia and stepping out in action is one of the hardest and most rewarding parts. Once you start moving forward, the rest will be easier.

A great weight loss tip that people should incorporate is to use larger utensils. Contrary to what you may think, using a larger fork or spoon can actually reduce the amount you eat. Studies have shown that people tend to take smaller bites when they use larger utensils with their meals.

Consider making weight loss into a fun adventure instead! Break up your workout routine by going out dancing instead. If you stay away from sugar-laden drinks and calorie-ridden chasers, you'll be burning calories all night. Who knows? You might even catch somebody's eye. Either way, you'll have fun with friends and sweat it out at the same time!

Add low fat milk and other low fat dairy products into your diet. Studies suggest that Vitamin D and Calcium are directly related to weight loss success. Skipping out on your dairy intake can mean fewer calories, but it can also have a negative effect on how effectively your body burns fat.

If you have the urge to have a snack and you cannot fight it, have a handful of olives or walnuts or even some salmon. These foods will satisfy your need to snack, and they are really great for you. You will also feel full after eating some of these things.

Losing weight is not only about burning calories. In order to lose weight you need to eat the right kind of food. Be sure that you have vegetables on hand such as broccoli, cucumber or carrot sticks in the refrigerator. These are great snacks, and it helps you edge off your hunger.

As stated at the beginning of this article, the thought of losing weight does not need to be at all intimidating. Getting exercise throughout your day not only helps you lose weight, but also gives you more energy overall. Apply the tips from this article, and you will be on your way to achieving your weight loss goals in no time.